
FileMaker Script Errors, Handled.

FileMaker Script Errors, Handled. Have you ever seen a FileMaker Script that looks like this? If [ some condition exists // comments about the conditional can go here] If [some condition exists] If [some condition exists] If [some condition exists] If [some condition exists] Script Step Script Step If [some other condition exists] Script Step […]

A FileMaker Framework Reduces Development and Maintenance Costs

The FileMaker platform is super flexible and makes it incredibly easy to start building custom software quickly. Yet it’s this very feature that too often leads to coding nightmares: poorly planned development, code that is difficult to understand or translate to other developers, and solutions that become difficult and costly to maintain long-term. Years after it was created, it is easy to […]

Using SSL on FileMaker Server

To secure your data from hackers while traveling the Internet, the FileMaker Platform provides way to use the SSL Protocol with its FileMaker Server software. Information on how to do this is provided in detail in the FileMaker Server product documentation. However, unless you know a little about how the Internet works, just what one is doing and how it keeps your server […]

Five Simple Steps to Designing Great Reports

Databases are built to store data that may be useful to somebody who owns or uses that data. Data becomes information when it is presented in a format that is useful to a viewer. There are many ways to convert data into information, and the most common is by creating a report. A report organizes data […]

The FileMaker Platform: An Introduction

What is the FileMaker Platform? The FileMaker Platform is a powerful rapid development toolset created by Claris, Inc., an Apple subsidiary. The platform allows users to quickly and effectively create, share and integrate custom business database apps that can be used on Mac, Windows, web browsers, and iOS devices. It can run on one machine, shared on several machines […]